Utah National Grid
Last update · 2001
U.S. National Grid is a polygon dataset of United States National Grid 1000 meter x 1000 meter grid polygons constructed by the Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies at Delta State University with support from the US Geological Survey under the Cooperative Agreement 07ERAG0083 , opens in a new tab .

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Utah National Grid , opens in a new tab in the SGID on ArcGIS Utah National Grid feature service , opens in a new tabQuick clips
Feature service URL
Open SGID sample query
select * from indices.national_grid limit 10;
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Each polygon contains the following attribute fields:
- USNG - the fully qualified U.S. National Grid number coordinate describing the lower left corner of a 1000m x 1000m polygon
- GRID1MIL - USNG Grid Zone Designator (GZD)
- Grid100K - 100,000 meter USNG square ID
- Easting - lower left Easting of the 1000 meter USNG box
- Northing - lower left Northing of the 1000 meter USNG box
For correct display, please set the base coordinate system and projection such that it matches the UTM zone for which these data were constructed using the NAD83 datum. Further information about the US National Grid is available from Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) , opens in a new tab .
The native spatial reference for this dataset is UTM NAD83 Zone 12 North. There are no constraints or warranties with regard to the use of this dataset. Users are encouraged to attribute content to: State of Utah, SGID and The Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies, Delta State University, Cleveland Mississippi 38733.